Depend Global Redesign




UI/UX Strategy & Design

6 Months


Light green cube with laptop and mobile phone sitting on top. Both have new Depend home page on the screen.

For years, the global online presence of the Depend® brand has been disjointed and inconsistent. Each region has had their own website, own voice and own agency that really hindered building the strength of the global brand. While Depend® is to bladder leaks as Kleenex® is to facial tissue, there was no cohesive story and visual language to support the integrity of the brand.

The teams challenge was to create an online experience and design system that was modern, fresh, clean and flexible enough to accommodate each regions business and content needs.

The Depend® brand comes from a place of strength. It’s not your grandma’s Depend®, but one that is always evolving. In the same way the Depend® products create game-changing solutions that push the boundaries, I lead the team to create an experience that matched the brands drive for innovation that was empowering, in touch and empathetic to the user.

We began the project talking to the business to understand their needs while also looking at the current site’s analytics, journeys, user sessions and analyzing heat/scroll maps to understand the users and their frustrations. After gathering some insights, we scripted a survey to send out to our three personas to further assess what was important to them, their feelings and what information was missing, if any. In combination with our findings and SEO’s research/recommendations, we were able to map out the information into similar groupings to see what themes emerge from our research to inform our direction for the MVP.

Depend mobile and desktop homepage
Depend mobile PLP screen
Depend mobile PLP Filter screen
Depend desktop PLP screen
Depend mobile PDP screen
Depend mobile Advice & Support module
Depend desktop PDP screen
Depend mobile product quiz landing screen
Depend mobile product quiz question screen
Collection of Depend desktop comps
Caregiver icon
Male icon
Loved one icon
Female icon
Moderate icon


  • Educating consumers through content & tools in order to help them make informed decisions about the right product to manage their condition

  • Visual Design System for brand consistency

  • Cost & time savings for the business

  • Site launching late March 2023

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